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Working Week
Copyright George Papavgeris, Jul 2004

Whoever invented the working week
Surely had a sense of humour.
By Sunday you just manage to relax
Then Monday comes like an intruder.
Who was it that planned the week for us?
And why should the days be seven?
Five days for work and six for rest;
Makes sense to have a round eleven.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the same,
Thursday counts the hours till Friday,
Then the weekend's here, but it soon will disappear
And before you know it it is Monday

Who was it that decided the working day?
We're working longer than we're sleeping.
You hardly get a chance to finish off a dream
before alarms again start bleeping.
And why should the day have the hours it has?
Twenty four's a funny number.
If we could have thirty hours in a day
We'd get an extra six for slumber.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the same...

Who was it that designed the months for us?
The way they did it is not honest.
The winter months only need a dozen days
Then fourty days from May till August.
And who contrived Three Sixty Five
And why do we need four seasons?
I'd much prefer autumn - winter to defer;
To me it only stands to reason.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the same...

Who was it that decided the working life?
For fourty years or more we toil.
We start too young, just when we should have fun,
Well, it's enough to make blood boil!
When we are twenty we should retire,
From labour to observe abstention;
And when we're bald, far too tired and old
Then work to pay back our pension.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the same...

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George's CDs are manufactured by Bump Studios

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